Teachers take the Green Schools Rock Pledge!
Teachers you can help your school to be more sustainable by committing to 3 free sustainable actions in your school or classroom.
Have Class in the Grass
Escape the confines of the classroom by taking the class outside. Enjoy class in the grass!
Encourage Students to Recycle
Start a recylcing program in your classroom. Teach about recycling and environmental impact.
Turn off Lights and all Screens
Turn off lights when you leave the classroom. Turn off computers and electronics at the end of every day.
Green Schools and Nationwide Programs The environmental efforts of Green Schools Rock can be used a a platform to appy for the national Green Ribbon Schools program. The aim of the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) is to inspire schools, districts, and institutions of higher education (IHEs) to strive for 21st-century excedllence by highlighting promising school ustainability practices and resources that all can employ.
Additional Resources click on the Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign and the EPA Indoor Air Quality Toolkit for Schools.
Hello, I am Jayne Black the Founder of Green Schools Rock! I am a former pre-k teacher who is personally aware how important healthy schools are to staff and students health, learning and our mother earth. Schools are the number one users of energy and play a big role in reducing climate change. I have worked with over 20 schools and 2000 youth providing environmental education, teacher support and working with Superintendants to make their schools healthier and sustainable. I wrote an indoor air quality bill for schools in Wisconsin and initiated a clean air initative serving on my cities sustainability commission wher I sphereheaded a no-idling campaign for schools and an air monitoring program that provides schools with CO monitors which are not required for schools, but are critical that our students are protected from this smellless killer, served as a mentor for a school-wide composting program that won the Illinois Green Alliance Engagement Award, mentored a high school to create an outdoor classroom, turned my school green through Green & Healthy Schools WI, trained a middle school how to create the EPA approved air purifier that they actually used after a class fire, and have served as a hands on mentor for many other sustainable projects!
Jayne Black
- Wisconsin Field Organizer for Moms Clean Air Force
- Commissioner on the Sustainability Commission Committee City of De Pere -Appointed by the Mayor
- Member of Wisconsin Association of Environmental Educatio
- Indoor Air Quality for Schools Advocate for The American Lung Association
- Green School Project Mentor at Illinois Green Alliance
- Certified Green Classroom Professional - US Dept. of Green Buildings
- Certified Facilitator for Project Wet & Project Wild
- Program Partner with the Girls Scouts - Future Farmers of America & The Girl Scouts
- Spokesperson for the MS Society Council Member & MS Ambassador
- Certification of Public Policy from the Wisconsin Womens Public Policy Institute
All children deserve a Green School that is committed
to sustaninable actions for a greener healthier learning environment!